Sep 132021

Farnesene in a Nutshell

Farnesene in a Nutshell

While CBD and THC have taken almost all the fame as the most famous hemp compounds, terpenes seem to have been slightly neglected. But they shouldn’t be. Moreover, because of their beneficial effects, these compounds are considered silent heroes. Besides specific medicinal properties, terpenes take a significant part in the so-called Entourage effect, which they achieve along with cannabinoids.

More on the science behind this ‘cooperation,’ see below:

Terpenes in hemp are found on buds and leaves. These plant parts contain tiny sticky follicles called trichomes, and terpenes are formed on them. The plant creates these aromatic compounds as a unique defense mechanism against the enemy. A distinctive aroma of terpenes drives away parasites and pests.

Hemp contains a large number of terpenes, and their prevalence depends on the strain. Farnesene is one of the more important cannabis compounds, although it’s not over-represented in these plants. In fact, it is most common in apples, i.e., their peel. You know those brown spots that show up when an apple starts to rot? They are the result of Farnesene’s action.

Antibacterial Action

Some of the most prominent Farnesene benefits are the result of its natural antibacterial action. This terpene can destroy the bacteria that cause a foul odor in the mouth. It also can kill germs in the throat and prevent tooth decay. Some tooth care brands put this compound into their dental products.

Improving Digestion

It has long been known that terpenes have a beneficial effect on the digestive organs. Full or broad-spectrum CBD oils are used to treat certain eating disorders. These hemp products contain terpenes, which increase their potency. Since terpenes give plants a recognizable scent, these aromatic components ‘awaken’ sensory receptors and boost appetite.

Farnesene improves digestion by inhibiting the entrance of toxins into the small intestine. That will lead to easier excretion of waste matter. This terpene also works well for harmful bacteria, as it has antibacterial properties. It might inhibit their growth, thus helping the body balance levels of good bacteria and return to homeostasis.

Preventing Colon Issues

Functional digestion and balanced levels of good bacteria in the intestines will reduce the chances of colon cancer. Farnesene inhibits the development of pre-cancerous cells in these tissues. It has been shown to maintain a balance of bacteriological flora in the gut. It prevents the overgrowth of colonies that can cause problems, such as Candida or Lactobacilli.

The antibacterial property of this terpene improves gastric emptying. It may also prevent the occurrence of ulcers. These could appear as a result of the infection due to poor waste elimination. Here is the list of things you can do to improve gut health.

Farnesene products happen to be useful for people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It can be caused by problems with the sphincter or the muscle in the colon, which allows large amounts of food to enter the stomach. Farnesene relaxes the muscles and thus diarrhea, gases, and stomach cramps. It is also believed to help increase the efficiency with which the body digests carbohydrates and fats.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties


Farnesene from the hemp plant, along with cannabinoids, may help to reduce symptoms of arthritis. These compounds work by suppressing the body’s immune response. In simpler words, it and reduces the pain caused by internal joint inflammation. Topical products are the best method of application.

Some studies have suggested that Farnesene has positive effects on the heart and circulatory system. Although further research is necessary, research shows that this terpene reduces fluctuations in blood pressure. It also prevents the buildup of cholesterol on the artery walls, the symptom which is known to cause atherosclerosis.

The anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties of Farnesene terpene improve skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. They may even reverse some signs of skin aging like wrinkles and fine lines. That’s why this compound can be found in many anti-age cosmetics.

Relief of Muscle Cramps

Terpenes are proven mind and body relaxers. On top of that, Farnesene prevents muscle contractions and spasms. When taking it, athletes can feel great relief after strenuous training or competitions.

Experts suggest chamomile after exposing your body to great efforts. Due to Farnesene in this plant, you will not feel your muscles tight and cramped. So, if you ever had spasmodic episodes of being in pain for a few minutes, this terpene will help you with that.

Positive Effects on Brain

If there is a hemp compound that acts most similarly to cannabinoids, it is Farnesene. Besides the already mentioned ability to fight infections, this terpene has calming and anti-anxiety effects.

You can find this terpene in chamomile, which is known as a great way of treating sleep issues. Also, if you have ever used any Indica strain rich in farnesene, you have noticed an enhanced sedating effect.

Studies have also shown that Farnesene may slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. It does that by increasing the number of acetylcholine receptors in brain cells. Because of that, this terpene is believed to be effective in preventing cognitive disorders.

The exact benefits of Farnesene remain to be seen. But we can hope that future research will add to the wealth of information about this terpene. There is no doubt it offers unique properties that are not found in other natural ingredients. New knowledge is likely to continue to grow as scientific, pharmaceutical, and holistic health experts begin to understand the benefits of this unique hemp compound.