Jul 182018

9 Easy Cleaning Jobs You Can Do in Less Than an Hour

9 Easy Cleaning Jobs You Can Do in Less Than an Hour

Are you a busy mum or an always tired dad?

If you are, then you are always looking for chores in the house that will not take much of your time.

Well, there are easy cleaning jobs in the house that will only take less than an hour and will have an impact in the general look of your house.

Here is a look at the top 9.

  1. Arranging your books

You probably have a table full of books, magazines or papers. You can sort them by size, color or alphabet and arrange them properly on the table or book shelf in minutes.

  1. Clean your drawers

Sometimes the drawer can look a mess and become a breeding ground for cockroaches. And you know how embarrassing it is to have roaches running around when visitors are around. Empty the drawers and get rid of the things you no longer need.

  1. Clean your furniture

Furniture are mostly the first things visitors see when the walk in, so they must appeal to the eye. Take a few minutes and vacuum them. Go deep into the sides of the cushions and underneath.

  1. Work on the kitchen cabinets

If you love cooking then your kitchen cabinets are probably greasy from the build up of dust and grease. Get yourself a kitchen cabinet cream that cuts across the sticky grease and you will have a clean kitchen in no time.

  1. Polish the ceiling fan

The ceiling is the most neglected part of the house especially if it is higher than normal. So cleaning the ceiling fan is probably not your cup of tea. But you can use an old piece of cloth to dust off the blades.

  1. Clean your mattress

You will only enjoy better sleep if your mattress is clean. It is quite easy to go about it. Get your vacuum and crevice tools then firmly press your mattress untill it’s spotless clean.

  1. Dust the baseboards

Baseboards accumulate a lot of dust as you clean other parts of the house. Slightly spray some cleaning solution on your old sock and run your foot around the baseboards. You don’t have to lean down.

  1. Clear out your vents

Dusty vents will only circulate dust in  your house. Use a soft brush on your vacuum and clear the vents.

  1. Clean the windows

This is one of the easiest tasks in the house that only take minutes. Wash your windows with a glass cleaner and a microfiber cloth.

With that said, you now have simple tasks you can do in the house that will not take much of your time.

But if you want to do it yourself or find some stains too stubborn, you can always hire a local cleaning company to do the job for you.