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When To Get Your Roof Replaced

When To Get Your Roof Replaced

Roofs are one of the most essential parts of a home, yet so often go overlooked. It’s one of few parts of a house that some owners just don’t have access to. Even if you can get up to your roof, the occasion to do so likely doesn’t come along often. Anyway, it’s best left to professional roofers.

A leak. A draft. Rot. These words stir unrest, sometimes nightmares, for homeowners the world over. Many times, roofing issues like these can be repaired. There comes a point, however, when a roof has suffered enough. When the damage runs so deep that repairs would be redundant.

It’s a painful thing, but sometimes the best thing you can do for a roof is to replace it wholesale. Hanging on to a compromised roof can even spread damage to other parts of a home. It can be a tough judgement to make- how much damage is too much? Let’s take a look at a few scenarios where roof replacement really is your best bet.

Extensive Shingle Damage

Most modern roofs have shingles. Getting a new shingle roof is a very common thing to have to do for homeowners. This overlapped, protective shell does wonders for protecting the upper structure of a home. Naturally, if a few shingles begin to peel up or crack, a homeowner would do well to replace them. There does come a time, though, when these repairs only delay the inevitable.

If enough damage has been done to a roof as a whole, replacing the obviously damaged shingles will not be enough. There are several layers of membrane between the asphalt shingles and the interior of a home. If moisture has leached into these materials beneath the outer roof shell, replacement shingles will inevitably suffer the same issues. All the while, the moisture beneath the surface will continue to wreak havoc and spread down, eventually reaching the interior of the home.

At this point, the best thing to do is to replace the roof, to prevent further moisture damage. Here are a few warning signs that your roof might be too far gone to save.

Interior Warning Signs

Not every house has an attic, and those that do are not always often visited. However, taking a quick trip to the highest access point in your home at least every few months is a good way to ensure your roof is performing well before lasting damage occurs.

If you notice these problems in your attic, it may be time to look at replacing your roof. Know that if damage is spreading quickly or to large areas inside the home, damage to the roof is likely too extensive to patch. Looking at replacing your entire roof may be the best way to save the most money and heartbreak.

Your roof may be compromised if you find:


A Worthwhile Pain

Not many people enjoy making massive repairs on their home. But if you experience any of the warning signs above and ignore them, or only replace part of your roof, you may be looking at a much more taxing repair. Exposure to the elements is hell on the frame of a house, which is far more expensive to fix, if it’s even possible. Your home, and wallet, will thank you if you take initiative by replacing the roof before things get to that point.

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