Apr 102020

What To Do If Your Roof Is Leaking?

What To Do If Your Roof Is Leaking?

Roof leaks can occur at any moment but checking for the signs of water damage and being able to identify a leak early on can help to spare your roofing structures from repair. Understanding how to spot a leak could save you time and money in the future. Here are some top tips on how you can identify roof leaks and what you should do if you notice the signs of a leak.

Find Water Stains

Begin with tracking some of the water stains in your home and remember the water will be diverted once it permeates through the roof and ceiling. This can often have water flowing through areas like insulation, the beams of your ceiling and more. It’s likely that the source of your water stain is not the source of the problem. Getting into your attic with a flashlight can be an excellent way that you can see the main cause of the water stain. Start by looking for signs of black spots or mold as this can often show the area where the roof is leaking more readily.

You could also consider running a water hose across your roof at different sections to isolate the area that has the leak.

Spot Outdoor Signs

It could be areas outside of your roof where there are signs of leaks. If you happen to notice that the attic ventilation is cracked, the sheets of flashing are starting to fall away from your roof, or you are missing shingles, these are all good signs that you could have a roof leak in these areas. Pooling water across your roof can also be a sign that you may experience a leak in the same area.

If you have spotted the early signs of a leak or you suspect that there is a leak in your roof, be sure to contact Old Time Roofing today for more information on roof leaks and repairs.

This post was written by Ted Williams! Ted is the owner of A Old Time Roofing, one of the best roofing companies in St Petersburg FL. Ted is a Master Elite Weather Stopper GAF Roofing Contractor, a double award winner of Best Steep-Slope Contractor from GAF and achiever of Master Elite Consumer Protection Excellence from GAF. He has been serving the Pinellas County area since 1978. A Old Time Roofing has been a tradition in quality workmanship, servicing residential and commercial properties.