Jul 172021

How to Choose the Right Living Room Furniture

How to Choose the Right Living Room Furniture

There’s nothing worse than buying a new coffee table only to find that it hogs the living area or the sofa can’t get through the door. Current circumstances are forcing people to think hard about what the term “living room” really means. The living room’s purpose has greatly evolved over the years, from being used as an interacting space, to a study area, and of late, a working space. For that reason, it is extremely important to choose furniture that makes us feel happy and relaxed. 

Selecting the right furniture for your living room is a basic part of decorating. You need to consider factors such as aesthetic appeal, shape, quality, material, and size to fit your space. While quality, color, shape, etc., are all subject to personal preference, size is another matter altogether. The size of your living room furniture should complement the shape and size of your living area. Here are tips on how to choose the right living room furniture:

Plan Your Living Area

While choosing furniture poses quite a challenge for most people, considering your room size can go a long way into simplifying the entire task. Planning ahead enables you to efficiently use all available space and avoid cluttering. Start by creating a floor plan and taking the necessary measurements, while taking note of the furniture-to-wall clearance. 

When deciding on furniture arrangement, it’s advisable to use a mounted TV or a fireplace as a central point of the available space. Also, choosing the right size of furniture for your room is crucial. If your space is small, avoid overly large pieces as they may look overbearing. Likewise, for large rooms, tiny pieces of furniture may look a bit “off.”

Start With the Basics and Find a Balance in the Arrangement

While aesthetic appeal is a crucial part when decorating a living room, some colors and materials may not always be realistic for living room spaces. More so if you have pets and young children, furniture that will easily stain or tear is a no-go zone. 

Go for quality pieces and materials that can withstand constant use and friction. Your living room should feel cozy and soothing, a reason enough to choose quality over aesthetics. Wool is ever comfortable and repels dirt naturally, while leather pieces are durable but tend to crease and stretch over time. On the other hand, cotton blends are durable and very easy to clean. 

8 Living Room Furniture Ideas For Design Inspiration | Architectural Digest

Have a Theme for Your Living Space

A theme reflects your personal style, while still complementing the natural feel of the home. If you prefer neutral tones, modern style is for you. Contemporary themes often consist of glass, marble, and metal pieces to supplement the actual furniture. For a more formal/elegant style, a traditional theme is the best choice. This style comprises dark wood sofas, chairs, and rich hues such as deep blues, browns, etc. For a casual look, go for brighter colors and add more oomph to your furniture choices. Understandably, this is the most preferred look among many homeowners since it’s affordable and easy to pull off. 

Incorporate Various Pieces in Your Living Space

Your living space should have more than just chairs and sofas. Incorporating various pieces makes the area unique, while also giving it some depth. At the same time, avoid overdoing the design and choose the right size of furniture to place in your living area. 

Placing too much furniture in the available space will crowd your space, and you might end up blocking passages. Also, keep the space tidy and clean by utilizing proper storage. Add shelving units and use wall art, lamps, and succulents to add that “homely” feel to your living room.

Add Some Personal Touches and Accent Furniture to Your Space

You just don’t stop at the theme; own your space by putting some accent pieces at strategic points and bring the room to life. You have a variety of options to choose from including, accent chairs, side tables, floor lamps, centerpieces, etc. Carefully chosen pieces are great additions to your living area since they add an elegant touch to the entire space.  

It’s important to love areas where you spend much of your time making fond memories. While taste is essential, size and efficiency are the most important factors to consider shopping for living room furniture. Follow the above tips to ensure you create a living area that’s both functional and peaceful for all of your needs and wants.