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10 Tips To Declutter Your Home And Life

10 Tips To Declutter Your Home And Life

Are you in dire need of decluttering session for your house but don’t have any idea from where to start?

We all know very well that a cluttered or messy home adds to stress in life. It reduces your productivity, passion, and motivation.

To say the least, decluttering your home and life is incredibly important.

In this article we share 10 practical tips to declutter your home and life efficiently.

Bedroom Comes First

Your bedroom may clutter the most of any room as it is where you spend a lot of time and is hidden from most visitors. First things first: it will help if you make your bed as it sets the tone for the entire organizing process.

Decluttering may involve anything from bedding, nightstands, single socks, and drawers.  Avoid being clingy, particularly with stuff you haven’t worn or used in quite some time.

Clean Up Your Closet

Clearing the closet is essential and cannot be ignored. Your closet is home to jeans, outfits, skirts, shirts, ties, belts and other accessories. Tending to them all at once can be a challenge. The ideal way is organizing a specific clothing type by choosing those to keep and those to toss.

Do a little at a time, and your closet will be decluttered soon enough. You can even donate the clothing you no longer need.

Head To The Bathroom

Begin with the cabinet. Keep the stuff you use and discard the remaining things, like expired medications and old person hygiene items. Remove old magazines and newspapers sitting near the toilet. Once you have that completed, move to the shower or bathtub and repeat the task with shampoos, lotions and razors.

The Living Room

The living room is the main area of your house. It receives the most foot traffic, and therefore you must be diligent about keeping up with mounting clutter. The tip is to do daily decluttering — set permanent storage places for basic things such as remote, devices, books, and DVDs.

The Kitchen

Check the entire kitchen carefully. Find a good place for everything you intend to keep. Make use of a nearby pantry or closet for items you don’t use every day. Throw away expired food items and clean out the refrigerator a couple times a month. Don’t let dishes and silverware pile up in the sink or on a drying mat.

Avoid Throwing Away Everything

Group all the unimportant stuff into five categories:

You can use boxes to group your items or even large laundry baskets.

Prepare A Decluttering Checklist

As you now know what room (bedroom) to deal with first, prepare a decluttering checklist (find one to print here!). You can categorize the list into single rooms that require decluttering. That way, you will work smartly without wasting time.

Take Before And After Photos

Take a pic of the whole room before you start to work. Once you finish decluttering, take another pic and compare them. Once you see how fantastic your house can look, you will have a passion for getting started with other rooms.

Get A Help From Professional

If you feel uneasy while decluttering and confused at any cleaning point, you can ask help from your friends and family. If you require a lot of assistance you may also seek the help of a trash removal service.

Motivate Yourself To Do Decluttering

Last but not least, make note of how good it feels to declutter your home and life. And, remember, you and your family cannot live your best lives in a chaotic environment.

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